It’s one of those questions you get all the time.

People always say, “Would you date a meat eater?”
Of course I would. I’m not a crazy person.
You see, I assume that most people don’t know how horrific eating meat is. I’m not just talking about the “Animals are pretty” philosophy. I’m talking about the fact that you can help save the world with your fork; that so much of our ecological destruction, disease and world hunger can be helped by going vegan. But most people just don’t know that. And I don’t blame them. They are just eating the food that most people eat.
So the question shouldn’t be,
“Would you date a meat eater?”
but rather,
“Would you date a meat eater that knew all benefits of a plant-based diet but decided not to do anything about it?”
The answer to that one is more complex. Or not, really, because that person isn’t the kind of person I want to date. It doesn’t have as much to do with them not being vegan as it has to do with that not really being the kind of person I want to share my life with.

A more trivial but nice plus to dating a vegan was brought up by the late River Phoenix when he said, and I paraphrase because I can’t find it on Google, “I don’t want to taste a meat eater’s body, if you know what I mean.” It wasn’t nearly that crass but you get the point. Vegans taste better.

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