I used to have to think about being vegan more. That’s because it was more difficult, took more of my attention, and required me to read ingredients all day and hassle the heck out of servers.

However, something has changed. I’m still just as vegan but the world isn’t as much against it. It’s not…strange anymore. It used to be when I’d tell people I was vegan they’d say, “Oh, God. Why would you want to do that?” but now, often, the response is, “I know, I need to start eating better.”
That’s a huge shift in the world. Oh sure, you’ll still meet folks that think you’re an idiot to be vegan and that you’re just following some silly trend instead of being educated on what you eat. But mostly, it’s just easier.

The world “Vegan” is on menus and labels and tv shows, and not just as the butt of a joke around thanksgiving when sticom writers always have to have one eccentric character making a Tofurkey.

If you’re just becoming vegan I envy you. We used to have to wrestle a bus-boy to the ground and get him in a choke hold to see the ingredient list on the hamburger buns. That’s not to say you won’t encounter some friction but, hopefully, the hardest time of your year is when you go home for the holidays and try, for the thousandth time, to explain to your grandmother why you can’t eat the casserole.

Maybe Gluten Free people have taken some of the heat off of us. :-)