A list of the most awesomeist links for everything vegan

Vegweb reviewed recipes- http://www.Vegweb.com
Choose Veg, nicely divided by meals- http://www.chooseveg.com/vegan-recipes.asp
Punch Fork, http://punchfork.com/vegan
A blog so delicious looking you wanna lick the screen- http://www.chocolatecoveredkatie.com
Cool and creative- http://www.theppk.com/

Medical info
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine- http://www.Pcrm.org
The China Study- http://www.thechinastudy.com/

Animal rights
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals- http://www.Peta.org
World Wildlife Federation- http://www.panda.org
African Wildlife Foundation- http://www.awf.org
Animal Concerns- http://www.animalconcerns.org/

The Cousteau Society- http://www.cousteau.org
The Sierra Club- http://www.sierraclub.org
The Nature Conservancy- http://www.nature.org

Being Vegan
John’s Robbin’s Earthsave International- http://www.earthsave.org/
VegSource- http://vegsource.com/
Howard Lyman’s Mad Cowboy- http://www.madcowboy.com/
The Vegetarian Resource Group- http://www.vrg.org

Finding vegan stuff near you
Happy Cow veggie restaurant and store finder- http://www.happycow.net
Find other vegans! http://www.meetup.com

Vegan films
Earthlings (Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix) – http://earthlings.com/
Forks Over Knives- http://www.forksoverknives.com/about/
Meet Your Meat (Narrated by Alec Baldwin) –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32IDVdgmzKA
Vegucated- http://www.getvegucated.com/

Lemme know if I missed any ones you love!